A total of 60 GSU faculty members have received funding for VE projects from fall 2019 to fall 2023.
Virtually Endless Possibilities
It is surprisingly easy to infuse virtual exchange into your course or program curriculum. Virtual exchange projects can take a variety of forms, such as:
- Single Course Assignments
- Peer Review
- Cooperative Learning
- Online Discussions
- Project-Based Learning
- Service Learning
- Co-Teaching
We are here to support your creativity and innovation so that you can implement virtual exchange into your course design. We do that by offering one-on-one support, training and resources.
Virtual Exchange Coalition
Stevens Institute
The Stevens Initiative is an international effort to enhance global understanding by connecting young people through virtual exchange, giving them critical skills for prosperity and encouraging friendships along the way.
Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) connects students and professors in different countries for collaborative projects and discussions as part of their coursework.
COIL Collaborations between students and professors provide meaningful, significant opportunities for global experiences built into programs of study.
The Office of International Initiatives (OII) and Atlanta Global Studies Center (AGSC) are seeking proposals from faculty to participate in Virtual Exchange.
Virtual Exchange (VE) is a high-impact teaching and learning practice that connects students and faculty from different cultures to collaborate virtually on academic projects. Benefits to students include increasing awareness of our interconnected world, promoting digital literacy and fostering cultural appreciation and understanding. Benefits to faculty include internationalizing the curriculum, building research and teaching networks at international institutions and creating professional development opportunities.
Spring 2024 GSU Virtual Exchange Initiative Call for Proposals
- Connects GSU students and faculty with their counterparts at an international university to work collaboratively,
- Promotes students’ intercultural competence and digital literacy across shared multicultural learning environments, and
- Utilizes a variety of teaching strategies, such as peer review, cooperative learning, online discussions, project-based learning, service learning and co-teaching.
Did you know…
- Virtual exchange works in a variety of courses and with any teaching style. It can work well for in-person and online courses, whether synchronous or asynchronous.
- A virtual exchange component can be incorporated into one big assignment or several smaller ones. It can be included in just one of your course modules or multiple.
- New Faculty – faculty who will teach VE course(s) for the first time.
- Veteran Faculty – Faculty who previously successfully implemented VE courses. In the proposal, please include your syllabus and a brief report of your previous project, including what went well and what would be refined about the same project.
Preference will be given to:
- Faculty with identified or confirmed international partner(s)
- VE projects in core curriculum courses.
- VE projects for large classes. Large classes are defined as 75 or more students.
- New VE faculty whose proposals are accepted for funding will receive $1000 in professional development funds.
- Veteran faculty whose proposals are accepted for funding will receive $750 in professional development funds. Faculty whose proposals are accepted may apply for additional funds for activities to further develop the relationships with partner institutions.
- Professional development funds may be used for travel, conference registration, materials, equipment, books or student assistants, etc. Exceptions require written approval from your department chair and OII.
- For teaching and communication purposes with international partners. Free Zoom room will be offered to awarded faculty during VE work.
- Implement the VE project
- Facilitate an online or in-person presentation on VE in their department, college, or at a VE showcase event during AY2024-25 to share information with colleagues regarding the benefits/impact of VE.
- Support assessment activities conducted by OII and AGSC, and
- Submit a brief final report and students’ feedback (testimonials in writing or video)
Faculty are invited to participate in a Virtual Exchange Faculty Teaching and Learning Community meetings and workshops. The community is designed to bring faculty together to share expertise, ideas, pedagogical techniques, and technology tools. Dr. Zhao is available for in-person or virtual meetings with you about your proposal development and VE project.
Application Procedure
Abstract (up to 200 words)
Proposal Narrative (no more than 3 pages) that describes:
- GSU course
- Typical student population in the GSU course (number of students, characteristics, etc.)
- International university partner* (preferred)
- Faculty partner name(s)/title(s)*
- Description of partner institutions’ student population* (number of students, characteristics, etc.)
- Description of VE activities
- A general timeline/implementation plan of proposed activities and assessments
- Facilitation of student interaction and grading of VE activities
- Technology utilized (If you are unsure, use this resource guide for more ideas.)
- Student learning outcomes of virtual exchange project (e.g. cultivating a global perspective, insight into personal cultural values, interpreting an intercultural experience from more than one viewpoint, negotiating a shared understanding of differences with openness, etc.)
- Sustainability of VE activities in future course offerings – Include a plan for how VE component will be integrated into a course for multiple semesters and adopted/facilitated by different instructor(s).**
- Statement and Signature of Department Chair.
“I support this application and understand that if the proposal is awarded, the departmental business or finance office will be asked to process payments for professional development or other approved expenses associated with this project as follows:
- $1,000 for new VE faculty in professional development funds to integrate VE into course.
- $750 for veteran faculty in professional development funds to integrate VE into another course or enrich the existing course.
*Contact Yali Zhao, VE Faculty Associate, for assistance in identifying a partner if needed
**Special consideration will be given to proposals that include a detailed plan on sustainability of VE activities.
- Details and clarity of project description
- Timeline for implementation of activities
- Level of innovation and creativity of activities
- Strength of connection of student learning outcomes to global/cultural fluency
- Appropriateness of technology for activities and partner university
- Sustainability – plan for how VE component will be integrated and delivered for multiple semesters and facilitated by different instructor(s)
Final Report: due by December 15, 2024 / May 15, 2025
The final report should include the following:
- Course name, number, CRN, US and international student population and partner institution
- Beginning and end date of VE project
- Approximate number of hours per week and number of weeks that students engaged in VE activities
- Description of communication and/or interaction with institutional partner(s)
- VE objectives, learning outcomes, and description of student assessment (formal or informal)
- Description of VE activities
- Appropriateness and any modifications of timeline and technology
- Current or planned changes to teaching because of VE
- Research activities on VE
- Support by department, college, university
- Sustainability plans for implementing VE in future courses
- Future support or assistance that would be helpful and/or necessary for you to remain actively engaged with VE
*All identifying information will be kept confidential and not shared with your department or college.
Submit a complete proposal as a single PDF file via email to [email protected] by March 1, 2024, at 5 p.m.
Award notifications will be made by March 11, 2024.
- Faculty whose projects are awarded should plan to attend VE Faculty Community meeting/workshop scheduled in March-April 2024.
Virtual exchange globalizes the curriculum, introduces students to an interconnected world, and promotes digital literacy. There are many compelling reasons to make virtual exchange an integral part of your course and curriculum design. Here are our top ten reasons to integrate virtual exchange into your courses.
- Introduce Students to an Interconnected World
- Increase Students’ Global Competency
- Globalize the Curriculum
- Engage Students in Project-Based Learning
- Promote Students’ Global Digital Literacy
- Foster Students’ Cultural Appreciation and Understanding
- Develop Students’ Professional Skills
- Facilitate Intercultural Collaboration and Communication
- Support Global Student Engagement
- Promote Global Awareness and Change Perspectives
Connect Your Class with a Global Partner!
Be a facilitator for the Global Solutions Conversations or Global Solutions Sustainability Challenge. You will be provided with curriculum and matched with students in Iraq or Jordan.
Global Solutions Conversations connects students in the U.S., Jordan, and Iraq on binational teams through six weekly dialogues on culture, design thinking, and UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The Global Solutions Sustainability Challenge is a virtual business competition that connects students in the U.S., Jordan, and Iraq on binational teams to collaborate virtually during eight weeks to create a sustainable business concept for a real need in their community related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Student Testimonials
Faculty Testimonials
In Person:
Yali Zhao, Ph.D GSU Virtual Exchange Faculty Associate Office of International Initiatives
Associate Professor of Social Studies Department of Early Childhood and Elementary Education College of Education and Human Development